Wednesday, April 19, 2006

suburban outrage!!!

So, I've been living out in the burbs for 19 days now (can you tell that I miss the city?) and I have only one major gripe. Yes, it's true that I now have to take the bus to get to the metro. Yes, it's true that the suburbanites aren't nice to pedestrians. Yes, it's true that there are no fascinating dining options out here. But why can't we have good shopping? Anyone who's been out to Ballston (or even Arlington in general) knows that there are yuppies as far as the eye can see. Why then does Ballston have the crappiest shopping mall ever? One would assume that with all of the Ann Taylor and J. Crew clones out in NoVA that Ballston Mall would be a somewhat respectable shopping establishment. Ballston Mall could never be like Tysons or even Pentagon City. But there is so much urbanization around the Mall that it would make sense to invest in the Mall itself. Think of all the money that would be made. Additionally, the improved shopping options would draw even more yuppies than the ones who frequent Baileys and Rock Bottom. I personally would rather see the mall full of yuppies than pre-teens (who currently rule Ballston Mall). So, if anyone with any pull is reading this, please improve Ballston Mall! I miss shopping at Banana and H&M and Kenneth Cole. Please bring them to Ballston!!!

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