Tuesday, May 9, 2006

free lube? umm...sure, why not

I was at the Convention Center today for the ACOG meeting (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) and had an opportunity to check out the exhibits. I was in the mood to collect some freebies--even free pens are nice. Here are my random observations:

  • The lone pro-life organization booth was not popular and their publications lacked color. Come on, I'm sure Bush is sending moola your way! Splurge on some color!
  • Apparently, there is a HUGE market for umbilical cord blood registration. I'll leave that one alone.
  • Why does every pharmaceutical company's plastic vagina models come with two leg trunks? Are you trying to confirm that yes, a woman's vagina is located between her legs? How are the trunks a necessary part of your visual?
  • USC was there and I was so proud. Sure it was the Marshall School of Business promoting their Medical Management program, but still!
  • If you are going to provide frozen yogurt at the osteoporosis prevention stand, shouldn't it be dairy?
  • Chocolate fondue is a great way to lure women to your booth.
Finally, the best part of the exhibit hall was the Astroglide booth, being "manned" (no pun intended) by a stately, elderly gentleman who was handing out full size bottles of lube. Apparently, he was VERY popular with the ladies.

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