Thursday, July 6, 2006

now I know how Britney Spears feels

They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. But what about too much publicity? Frankly, the exposure I received from Wonkette was a catch-22. I appreciate the number of people who visited my blog and enjoyed my post about DC tourists. Heck, most of them understood it to be amusing. However, there were quite a few people who came to my blog without an open mind. I know this because they left behind evidence in the form of negative comments (I have since enabled comment moderation). Among the negative gems I received:

  • How completely vapid you are
  • pissy little princess
  • stop being a stuck-up, self-centered whore
  • "Things OC girl should do help me deal better with her" 1. Kill yourself
  • Fascist
  • You must be a Republican
That last one probably irked me the most (and I didn’t even include all the bloggers that have blogged about how snobby I am). Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have mine (and blog about it) and you have yours. Being relatively new to the blogging scene, I was not prepared for these kinds of statements. I may not have thick skin now, but I ordered it and it should arrive tomorrow via FedEx.


Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe I should feign being offended at your supposed stuck-upiness since I technically now qualify as a tourist...then again, probably not since I too have no patience for stupid people!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and a couple of other things. First, did you ever stop to think that maybe you were the first in line in the "hater" category with your diatribe against tourists? You complain to the Mexican about "the haters" but really, you fired the first shot. Glass houses and whatnot...

Also, did you ever think that maybe you just need to get up a little earlier? Tourists usually aren't out and about til after 8. If you're so late for work that the extra 30 seconds it takes to get up the escalator really makes that much difference, then maybe the situation is your own damn fault for not leaving early enough.

You chose to live in D.C., tourists, politicians, lawyers and all. If it's that bad, perhaps you should consider relocating.

an orange county girl said...

NONESUCH--considering that you originally told me that you regretted wasting your time coming to my blog from Wonkette, I am honored and flattered that you continue to visit.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have to admit that I was interested in your reaction to your sudden notoriety. It struck me as being rather funny how appalled you were by the negative reactions, all the while apparently clueless to your own negativity.

Anyway, have a nice one.