Thursday, April 27, 2006

crazy for fiona

I'm very, very excited because on Saturday (yes, during the trip to Orlando) I got tickets to see Fiona Apple in concert. I love wireless internet and my laptop! Anyways, I've been wanting to see her for quite some time and my attempts to see her perform were always thwarted by something--not having a car in college, not having the money to see her, lack of fiona fans among my friends, etc. I feel that she is an enormous talet, albeit a bit odd. Usually the really talented arty types tend to be somewhat strange. But I digress. She's totally awesome and I love that she writes her own stuff. I've related to her lyrics during many stages of my life--mainly the break-up-with-a-boy stages. I may not have any boy angst to report (as my friends have pointed out many times, Jesse and I are annoyingly cute together), I can still feel the emotion of her music.

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