Saturday, July 22, 2006

even men who don't exist suck

Yesterday, a coworker emailed me a link to this blog about a woman who found out that her husband was cheating on her with her best friend. Immediately, I was drawn in by the potential for drama as the blogger enacts her revenge. So I checked out the blog and read with interest from the beginning.

It turns out her best friend, Lauren, had convinced her to start a blog as a personal diary for Emily. This suggestion followed a conversation between the two where Emily inquired about Lauren's sex life (little did Emily know that Lauren was sleeping around with her husband). Lauren felt that the only people who ask about other people's sex lives are those that are not satisfied with their own (I have NEVER inquired about someone else's sex life--yay me!). So Lauren thinks that Emily should start a blog (probably her ploy to read everything about Emily's innermost thoughts).

So Emily writes about the normal stuff like "Jason and I want to have kids," "I'm off to Nantucket for the weekend," blah, blah, blah. And then you feel this sense of impending doom when her brother (who apparently works near where her husband works) urges Emily to keep an eye on her husband and that he would hire a PI. Emily doesn't feel the need for a private investigator and thinks the PI would only reveal that her husband still smokes the occasional cigarette.

And then she finds out. In a short post she reveals that her husband is cheating on her. In the following posts, Emily decides to enact her revenge. It begins with a billboard (see left). And
then it continues with Emily giving away his collection of wine. After that, Emily shows us a video from her PI of her husband and her best friend in compromising situations. She then posts fliers all over the city (LOST DOG, insert pic of husband here) the next day. Her next move, waiving all the good players on his fantasy baseball team, doesn't really seem like such a big deal but it probably is to her husband. She follows that up with giving him back his favorite teddy bear piece by piece.

I begin to have real sympathy for this woman. As a woman who has been cheating on before, I can totally relate to what she's feeling. During the wine hour at work yesterday, we all supported this woman's gusto, her bravado, her guts to do this to her husband. She is the epitome of the scorned woman but she's doing something about it. She refuses to be a victim and that's something to be admired.

Anyone else think that this is too good to be true? Don't get sucked in by the drama! It was all fake! Damn you Court TV and your viral marketing campaign.

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