Wednesday, July 5, 2006

raise your hands if you want to take the rest of the week off

Who else had a 4 day weekend? Who else doesn't want to be at work today? I feel like I just got back from vacay and I need another day to come to terms with the fact that I must return to work. Although this is the last place I want to be, I am at work today.

I was also at work yesterday. My building hosted a little (keyword: free) 4th of July gathering and opened up the rooftop to check out the fireworks. The food was not too great but the view was worth it. The fireworks were nice and patriotic as they usually are. The occasional flash of lightning added to the drama. It was Jesse's first time in DC for the fireworks since he was a kid and I think he had a good time.

My biggest concern of the evening was the after-fireworks-rush on the metro. I was expecting to wait a lifetime on the platform for a train that we could manage to board. Strangely, Jesse and I were able to get on the first train we saw at Foggy Bottom. It wasn't a comfortable ride. We were packed in like sardines. Luckily we parked at Courthouse metro, so we had a short trip.

At Rosslyn, a few people stepped out of the train and even more wanted to board. A woman got on the so-tight-we-were-all-sexually-violating-each-other train and actually had the nerve to ask, "Are there any seats?" She was genuinely searching for a place to sit and tried to manuever past my boyfriend with his football player build in her attempt to sit. I wanted to tell her, "Look lady, you're lucky that you even have a place to stand on this train." Ugh. Tourists. I swear...

Anyway, the nightmare only lasted until the next stop. I really do love DC's fireworks but I may have to reconsider catching 'em next year. My disdain for tourists is getting to be too much.

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