Thursday, April 13, 2006

Those crazy liberals

If you know anything about me, you know that I am a liberal. I once told a republican at a republican fundraiser (free booze from a republican is still free booze) that I am so far left you can't even see me from the middle. After last night's event, I may not be that far left.

Last night, I attended a Drinking Liberally DC event in which Chris Mooney was featured. Chris Mooney is the author of The Republican War on Science, an excellent book no matter what your political beliefs are. It is very readable (you don't have to be a physicist to get it) and very, very eye-opening. I strongly recommend it.

While at the event, I was in awe at the number of uber-liberals that enjoyed hearing themselves speak. After a short speech, Chris fielded questions from the group and some people had excellent questions. Others just spoke in order to demonstrate their vast knowledge of the environment, global warming, the conservative media (isn't that an oxymoron? Usually the media is accused of being liberal), genetically modified foods, etc. My favorite part was when Chris was asked to name one science issue where the GOP gets it right. Chris mentioned how animal rights activists have argued that the same experiments made on animals can be made with computer simulations and will give the same results (Dude, I love animals but even as a liberal I know that's not true). The man who asked the question appeared unsatisfied with his response and asked for another example. Chris then appeared to struggle for an answer. GOP and science don't appear to get along.

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