you think i'm too old for the pony rides?
Jesse and I checked out the Arlington County Fair yesterday. I told Jesse that we should go for the following two reasons: (1) it's literally down the street from where we live and (2) we should support the county we live in. My REAL two reasons for going were: (1) there was a petting zoo and (2) there would be funnel cake.
So, we got there and checked out the indoor stuff first. I encouraged Jesse to mark his home on an Arlington County map.
We kept walking around and came upon the VA dems (YAY) and then the VA GOP (boo). All the people both behind the GOP booth and visiting it were OLD. Big surprise.
I then get the notion to support NoVA by purchasing honey from the NoVA beekeepers association (or something like that...I forgot the name). I'm proud that my honey came from Falls Church. How many other people can say that they know where their honey came from?
We went outside, grabbed some grub, and walked around. Lo and behold, it was an actual fair with your typical fair-y rides and games.
My favorite part was the petting zoo. Seeing as that I was the only one at the petting zoo without a kid, I decided to not stand in line to get in and embarass myself. The usual suspects were there: chickens, bunnies, goats, sheep.
And then there was a turtle. I know that I haven't been to a petting zoo in a while, but I don't remember turtles being regulars at these things. But there he was, in a pen all by himself. And I can assure you that no one pet him while we were there.
It was exactly the kind of stuff I expected from a county fair--all kinds of different people coming together to eat some cardiac-arrest-inducing food, pet some farm animals, ride the tilt-a-whirl and ferris wheel, win some cheap prizes for their dates, and spend some money.Oh! Some of us just came for the funnel cake!
yum! funnel cake! at my county fair back in indiana we had, get this, deep friend twinkies. yeah... yummmm...
deep fried twinkies? wow. there were deep fried oreos at this one.
Crap! I KNEW we forgot to buy something- we were going to get some of that honey! Damn!
Wasn't that a cute fair?
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